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Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s Disease. ackground. Peyronie’s disease is a condition of the male reproductive system in which an exaggerated or overabundant scar develops after minor injury to the penis, resulting in varying degrees of curvature and distortion.The abnormal bend and malformation often results in sexual dysfunction and pain.

Since there is no known drug therapy for Peyronie’s disease some men seriously consider undergoing surgical correction as a way to address their problem. Peyronie’s disease surgery criteriaPeyronie’s disease surgery should be considered a realistic option only if a patient fulfills these general four conditions:

  1. Severity of condition. This is by far the most important factor. Only if the distortion of Peyronie’s disease places serious limitations on sexual function should it be considered worth the risk of surgery for any potential rewards anticipated. [ Visit Blog ]

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