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When Your Friend Has A Premature Baby

When Your Friend Has A Premature Baby. If Your Friend/Relative Has A Premmie Baby. When someone you know suddenly has a premature baby, you may find yourself wondering how to react, especially if the baby is particularly early or small. Here are a few suggestions.

Congratulate them

Assume the baby will be OK, and congratulate the parents on the birth as you would if the baby was full term by sending a card, gift, champagne or flowers as you intended. Despite all the worries associated with their early arrival, this baby is very special and very much loved.

Send a card as soon as possible

Don’t wait until the baby comes home to send a card (although you could always send a “welcome home” card then too). If you buy a card, be sensitive and choose one without a picture of a big fat full term baby on it. Send it to the home address so that they have the joy of reading your card when they come home to a house with no baby in i t. [ Visit to Blog ]

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