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Parents With Premature Babies

Parents With Premature Babies. If Your Baby Might Be Premature. We all know that babies are rarely born on their due dates. But when they are born way before they are expected (before the 37th week of pregnancy), it can be the most difficult situation you will ever face.

Two of my children were born early. One at 26 weeks, and one at 33 weeks. Life was tough, but we got through it.

Premature births, or preterm births, count for around 7% of births in Australia. A premature or preterm birth is traumatic for any parent. You can never fully prepare for a birth which may result in a premature infant. However, if your baby is likely to be born prematurely, you will benefit from exploring what life will be like with your baby. Reasons a baby might be born early are: [ Visit to Blog ]

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